Outdoor Games
The Hoola Hoop Game
The hula-hoop game is great for a large party, such as a family reunion. It is simple. Divide the group into two with each circle having from 8-12 people. Every one in the group hold hands. The purpose is to beat the other team moving the hula-hoop around the circle by stepping though it. It takes teamwork because each person will have to step through the hoop, pull it up and over the head and transfer it from one person to another. The first team to get the hula-hoop back to the starting person wins.
Water Balloon Launch
One of the best times we have at our family reunions is to play with water balloon launchers. I made some from bicycle tubes and denim pouches. We just moved so when I find the launchers I will take a picture of them, however, there are probably many different kinds that can be found on line.
Water Baseball
I saw a YouTube video of water baseball. It looked like a blast. There were four blow up wading pools for the bases and four Slippin' Slides (or plastic sheets) between the bases. A beach ball or punch ball would be fun to kick or throw or just use a bat and softball.
Do you have a favorite game? Please go back to the Play tab and scroll to the bottom and share your ideas by emailing me. Thanks! :0) Janie