NOTE : The month of August has a very short review of all Six Critical Parenting Articles. Septembers article covers more about the first three articles and the month of October covers more about the last three articles. All of the newsletters have a link that will take you directly to the actual article. I highly recommend you to read all six of the full individual articles because they have extremely important information that parents will want to know.
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Remember, don’t run to save your children from the consequences of their bad choices! Again, allow them to feel the consequences of their choices while they are in the safety of your home! The example I like to use is that kids need to know that they will eat what they are served for dinner because you are not a short order cook and will not make them another meal. It they don’t like what is for dinner; they eat the part they like or simply wait until the next meal.
That is an example of natural consequences used by Jim Faye of Love and Logic. His books are great!
If you missed reading any of the previous articles, I have linked all six articles to the website for easy access. They are at the end of this article.
I really hope you will read the six full articles. I was passionate about the importance of getting this information out and I am even more passionate now that they are written. There is a lot of really good information in these articles and I really encourage you to tell your family and friends about them. That can help to benefit our family's lives.